split payment app for business central
Simplify the Split and VAT Transfer management process.
No more configuration and oversight, payment split will no longer be a thought
The Split Payment application for Business Central is the ideal tool to simplify the management of VAT splits and transfers by automatically activating them according to VAT categories.
The app is widely usable for all types of companies and businesses; simply install it and it is ready to use, with no further configuration required.

Why should you choose the Split Payment app for Business Central?
Tracking and Control:
Split Payment provides greater traceability of transactions, enabling greater control. This makes it possible to reduce the possibility of tax evasion and noncompliant behavior while improving corporate transparency.
Increased Liquidity for the Company:
On the business side, VAT separated from the main payment can provide a financial benefit. The company can temporarily use the VAT amount to improve corporate liquidity, as these funds do not have to be immediately transferred to the tax authorities.
Reducing the Risk of Fiscal Responsibility:
The Split Payment app reduces the risk that a company may incur tax liabilities due to human error or fraudulent behavior. By using the automatic split, the company can more clearly demonstrate proper tax management while reducing the possibility of incurring penalties.